Application for 2025

for the Joe Zawinul Awards

General Information

for the application process for the Joe Zawinul Awards 2025

  1. Decide which of the awards you want to apply for:
    • Creative Video Award: only EU citizens admitted
    • Joe Zawinul Music Exchange Program: EU & US citizens admitted
    • Attention: Different conditions apply for applicants from the EU and the USA (please note the conditions of participation on the form).
  2. To access the respective entry forms, simply click on the respective award in the top tab. If you are viewing this page on a smartphone, you can also simply swipe sideways to access the forms. In addition, you can also simply:
    • Creative Video Award: May 5, 2025 at 12:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
    • Music Exchange Program (EU applicants): May 5, 2025 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
    • Music Exchange Program (US applicants): April 18, 2025 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
  4. Note age restrictions:
    • Creative Video Award: No age restriction
    • Music Exchange Program: Note minimum and maximum age for EU & US applicants – 14 to 21 years old with a deadline of September 1, 2025.
  5. You can find more detailed information directly on the application form of the respective award.

By submitting a registration form, you accept the conditions of participation (see info text for the respective form) and our privacy policy.

Please fill in the form completely

Write your first and last name in CAPITAL LETTERS in the upper field (“Digital signature”). You must be authorised to carry out this application for your production group.

Example: JANE DOE

You hereby confirm the completeness and correctness of all information provided in the registration.

You hereby accept the terms & conditions of participation and our privacy policy.

This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form.

Terms & conditions of applications

for the Creative Video Award 2025

Please read the following conditions of participation carefully. Incorrect applications will not be considered.

  1. The Creative Video Award honours outstanding film productions by young filmmakers.
  2. Registration takes place as a production group.
  3. Fill out the registration form completely.
  4. Submit a short film which must include the following: Opening and closing credits naming the contributors (e.g. author, music, editing, etc.).
  5. In addition, upload a separate 1-minute teaser video and a group photo of your production group.
  6. An incomplete application will automatically lead to exclusion from the production group.
  7. There are no age restrictions for applying for the Creative Video Award.
  8. Only EU citizens are eligible to apply.
  9. Application deadline: May 5, 2025 at 12:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
  10. Please also note the video guidelines below.
  11. Dates and prices are subject to change at the discretion of the Joe Zawinul Foundation for Achievement, in particular to protect and promote the health of all participants.

All group members or a representative must attend the Joe Zawinul Award Ceremony on June 15, 2025 at the Porgy & Bess Jazz Club (Vienna, Austria), otherwise the group will be disqualified.

Important information:

  • The film project submitted to the Joe Zawinul Foundation in the category “Production Group”, must be a project assigned by the school and created as a group project.

Guidelines for the submission of videos

Video requirements:

  • The production group may not use any existing video material, video clips, YouTube videos or other material that has already been produced and/or broadcasted.
  • All contributors must be named in the credits – lyrics, music, editing, etc. Videos without credits will be automatically disqualified.
  • The material may be shot with any type of camera.
  • The video must be submitted as either an MP4 or MOV file. All other formats will be rejected.
  • Entries missing the teaser will be automatically disqualified.
  • If you have further questions about the video guidelines, you can always send us a message. Go to the contact form.

Requirements for the biography

  • Send us a short biography about the production including the names and roles of each member of the production team.
  • The group photo of the production group must be high-resolution (300+ dpi) (not embedded in a Word or PDF document!).
  • Do you have any questions about the biography? Go to the contact form – we are happy to answer all your questions.

Upload video:

  • Only videos will be accepted that have been uploaded/submitted via WeTransfer
  • If you use the online application form, you must upload your video as a link.
  • If you want to register using the PDF form, you need to send your video (and the completed PDF) via WeTransfer to the email address provided in the PDF.
  • Applications by other means or via other file hosters will not be accepted. We only accept WeTransfer as a file hoster.
  • If you have further questions regarding the uploading/sending of the application documents, you can always reach out to us. Go to the contact form.

Your Creative Video will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Teaser
  • Filmmaking skills
  • Editing skills
  • Storytelling

Subject to change without notice.

Please fill in the form completely

Write your first and last name in CAPITAL LETTERS in the upper field (“Digital signature”). You must be authorised to carry out this application for your production group.

Example: JANE DOE

You hereby confirm the completeness and correctness of all information provided in the registration.

You hereby accept the terms & conditions of participation and our privacy policy.

This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form.

Terms & conditions of applications

for the Music Exchange Program 2025

Please read the following conditions of participation carefully. Incorrect applications will not be considered.

  1. Fill out the registration form completely.
  2. For your application, please also submit a video in which you introduce yourself (maximum 30 seconds long) and perform two pieces of music of your choice. The musical part should not exceed 7 minutes in total. You will receive one bonus point for each original song.
  3. Please also note the video guidelines below.
  4. Application Deadline:
    • For EU applicants: May 5, 2025 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
    • For US applicants: April 18, 2025 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
  5. Please note the minimum and maximum age for applicants: 14 to 21 years old with deadline September 1, 2025
  6. Applicants must have a valid passport.
  7. Dates and prices are subject to change at the discretion of the Joe Zawinul Foundation for Achievement, in particular to protect and promote the health of all participants.
  8. An incomplete application and/or video submission will automatically disqualify the applicant.

All applicants who are EU citizens must attend the Joe Zawinul Award Ceremony on June 15, 2025 at the Porgy & Bess Jazz Club (Vienna, Austria). This does not apply to applicants with US citizenship. Regardless, all applicants will be treated equally and have the same chance to win the award.

Richtlinien für die Einreichung von Videos

Important information:

  • The video submitted to the Joe Zawinul Foundation must be filmed specifically for this competition (Joe Zawinul Music Exchange Program). The applicant may not use any existing video material, video clips, YouTube videos or other previously produced and/or broadcasted material.

Video requirements:

  • Introduction video: The applicant’s 30-second introduction will be included in the evaluation. In addition to stating your name and age, explain what music means to you, how music and art influence your life, and what you hope to gain from winning the Joe Zawinul Music Exchange Program. Applications that do not include this introduction will be automatically disqualified.
  • Perform 2 pieces of music. 1 bonus point is awarded for each original composition.
  • The video should only focus on the applicant. The jury is not interested in seeing friends and family or any other person.
  • The video must be submitted as either an MP4 or MOV file. All other formats will be rejected.
  • If you have further questions about the video guidelines, you can always send us a message. Go to the contact form.

Upload video:

  • Only videos uploaded to WeTransfer are accepted
  • If you use the online application form, you have to upload your video as a link.
  • If you want to apply using the PDF form, you need to send your video (and the completed PDF) via WeTransfer to the email address given in the PDF.
  • Applications by other means or via other file hosters will not be accepted. We only accept WeTransfer as a file hoster.
  • If you have further questions regarding the uploading/sending of your video, you can always send us a message. Go to the contact form.

Your video performance will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Introduction / presentation of the applicant
  • Originality (each original composition gets 1 extra point in the evaluation)
  • Musical skills
  • Musical interpretation
  • General performance

Subject to change without notice.

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